JF Legal Network
Legal Service & Business

JF Legal Network is a company that combines two fields, namely law and business. JF legal network has service products namely legal service, business, academic and foundation.

JF Legal Network is a company that combines two fields, namely law and business. JF legal network has service products namely legal service, business, academic and foundation.
We are ready to assist in the management of PATENT and HAKI comprehensively at an affordable cost.
We publish various books for academic needs, such as; textbooks, reference books, monographs, etc.
We are ready to help academics publish articles in national and international journals.
We serve editing services such as translate, review artikel, proofread, plagirsm check.
JF Law Firm is a firm incorporated in providing legal assistance and assistance activities.
Accessible to every researcher and reader to explore and cite academic research content. also provides open access journals and distributes knowledge globally.
Dr. Jonaedi Efendi, Born in Bondowoso, May 03, 1981. Lecturer of Postgraduate Program and Faculty of Law, Bhayangkara University Surabaya and Faculty of Syari’ah and Law at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Completed Doctor of Law Program at Brawijaya University Malang (2013). In 2015 he became an Outstanding Lecturer ranked I at Bhayangkara University and Nominated for Outstanding Lecturer at the Regional & East Java Kopertis Level 2015. Author of more than 18 book titles & 10 articles in international journals.
In 2024 Become a Law Firm that is able to provide Legal Services & comprehensively resolve Company legal issues through Non-Litigation Settlement.
We can help you achieve your problem much better and help in publishing articles in your science well.
Legal consulting services. And have complete and legal legality. JF Law Firm is a firm incorporated in providing legal assistance and assistance activities.
Jakad Media Publishing is a book publisher with the largest and fastest unit printing system with DIKTI standards and print quality at the level of a Bookstore.
Journal Publication Services and Publisher are committed to ensuring that every national and international journal article published is in accordance with scientific principles and is indexed.
As a JFLN partner, you will get instant access to exclusive resources, programs, tools and connections. Join a community designed to drive business growth.
All over Indonesia believe in using our services.
To get detailed information about our products and services, Please contact us below
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